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what do you mean a natural match?

note: i typed Leo as a ESFJ

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Good for you, happy for you! What's your optical diopter?

Everyone has an MBTI personality type, and everyone has MBTI types that naturally match with them in terms of relationships (i.e. platonic, romantic, etc.). I acknowledge you label Leo as an ESFJ, but I rely on the aggregate average (calculated consensus) which yields him as an ENFJ. With a quick Google search, you will discover that ENFJs naturally match with 2 MBTI personality types.

number 1:if you disagre wth my typing of Leo i left my reasoning in a comment tread,you are welcome to enter the discussion

number 2: no need to be a jerk about it

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Apologies, a certain toxic forum on seems to be getting the better of me subconsciously. Without clear and concise communication, some things on the Internet (cuz its the Internet) sound like personal attacks. I could have deleted the rude comment with the strikethrough, but I chose to leave it there to show that I want own up to my mistake in misinterpretation; hence, my rational follow-up response right after it. Again, apologies.

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apologies accepted, i also sorry if anything i said came off as a personal attack it was not my intencion, i have told before that communication isn't my forte,

still i would welcome your  feedback  on my typing off characters considering my relative inexperence, i made a point of leaving a comment explaning my reasoning whenever i disagree with the majority consensus,  sorry if i am coming off as too forciful but as you can imagine the MBTI types of furry VNs characters is not a topic i have many opportunities to discuss.

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Honest with you, verbal communication isn't my forte. I am the type who is precautious to a fault of what to say in-person. I also believe in karma and consequences, so unless it is something very important, I tend to remain quiet and let the natural order of things do its own thing. Online, however, there is so much time and space to type out my thoughts and feelings in a coherent and rational manner. Everyone is a misfit on the Internet, and unless there is a face attached to posters, they are easily forgettable, so I'm not afraid to express my opinions. For someone who knows what forte means, I don't believe for a second your communication isn't your loudest strength.

I'm not a psychologist, nor one who specializes in MBTI personality evaluation, so there is little I can offer. I just like to appreciate and read about them, the same goes for Greek astrology. I didn't get to read your MBTI input, so yeah a little uncalled for, but it's okay.

while i am flattered that i gave the impression that i am a good communicator, in real life is very different i actually have asperger syndrome(professional diagnose i unfortunally feel the need to clarify)

I appreciate you for being open. I haven't been diagnosed, but I think I might share some traits from within the spectrum.

Why, why doesn't Leo change with the chase? Why can't he leave with chase?

Why can't Chase save Leo?