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(2 edits)

Honest with you, verbal communication isn't my forte. I am the type who is precautious to a fault of what to say in-person. I also believe in karma and consequences, so unless it is something very important, I tend to remain quiet and let the natural order of things do its own thing. Online, however, there is so much time and space to type out my thoughts and feelings in a coherent and rational manner. Everyone is a misfit on the Internet, and unless there is a face attached to posters, they are easily forgettable, so I'm not afraid to express my opinions. For someone who knows what forte means, I don't believe for a second your communication isn't your loudest strength.

I'm not a psychologist, nor one who specializes in MBTI personality evaluation, so there is little I can offer. I just like to appreciate and read about them, the same goes for Greek astrology. I didn't get to read your MBTI input, so yeah a little uncalled for, but it's okay.

while i am flattered that i gave the impression that i am a good communicator, in real life is very different i actually have asperger syndrome(professional diagnose i unfortunally feel the need to clarify)

I appreciate you for being open. I haven't been diagnosed, but I think I might share some traits from within the spectrum.