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Thank you for this wonderful review! ^_^

'...the light shard and blindness mechanic were pretty clever... ...Despite the blindness aspect being clever, in game all it means is using an eye drop every few minutes...'

Thank you, this is a mechanic I have been toying with in every RPG maker version and I'm modifying for my next RPG maker game. I think I'll be removing, or vastly reducing the blindness. I had a narrativee for the roars being very poisonous and Lucius would have also started to get sick the closer to the cave they got as well. But the whole thing was becoming a huge mess and I had to rip chunks out for time. Too big of a game in too small of a package.

And the economy of this whole mechanic is definitely trash. I am not instinctive with math so I botched that pretty good.  -_-'

'...the highlight was the story, including the little snippets of dialog and character development every round...'

I was afraid that was going to be the worst part of the game, but everyone who has given me a review seems to like it!  I'll keep doing that in my games! And I will DEFINITELY have more play testing for spelling and grammar. I'm glad it wasn't game breaking.

'...Combat was a bit one dimensional...'

Yep. This is probably my biggest weakness. I can't do math too well, so a mechanic biassed entirely on math is really confusing! That said I knew there were problems and I ought to have focused more on the fights. I had no idea the magic attacks were so weak! Thank you for pointing that out. I know what I must study in the future. And Play Test.

'...Having to equip...'

Ahhhhh yes, you are right! *Takes a note for future games* That does break the flow, doesn't it?  I will also try to add some kind of mini game for fishing. Do you have any games with good examples you can point me towards? I'm mot sure how I could improve this.

'...the total lack of poison antidotes...'

 I LEFT THAT AS POISONOUS!!?!?!?  *From a distance you hear a string of angry, loud non-swearing*  >_<' ..... Okay; I need more Play Testing! Sorry about that.

Again, thank you so much for this review! It was super helpful and I will be referencing this as I make my next game.
I'm glad the game was fun, even if it was deeply flawed. I admit that with all the good feedback I have gotten, some of it in privet, I am sorely tempted to remake this game from scratch as a VERY LATE, non jam entry. I could possibly get it done by the day after the last day of March.
