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Definitely a very different entry.  There's a nice overall game loop and style to the game, the cloth simulation was weird to see, but interesting.  I do feel like not having the controls be relative definitely made it a lot more challenging for basic movement, especially considering you can die by walking off which causes a lot more issues with said controls.

There were a lot of times where I was just tapping a key to try and ensure I was above the platform I wanted before hitting E, since if I missed I lost a life, but also if I walked off I died.  So many little ways to die from small mistakes stacking up and leading to a bit of annoyance at all of them for me personally.

I feel like overall the main points I'd critique I've said, the controls and the ability to die a ton of ways.  Otherwise though there's definitely an interesting concept.  I feel like a few additions, like possibly a better throw would be nice, and obviously removing the ability to fall to your death would be incredibly helpful.

One final thing I did want to point out, is I did run into a pretty consistent bug where if I was too close to a box, or not specifically angled to it it would not let me pick it up. Which definitely caused a few issues since there's not a super clear way to see which way you're facing plus there's ticking timers and it led to a ton of lost time.