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Wow, it's nice to see split screen games around here every now and then! Has a nice look and feel to it, and not really much to complain. I also like the idea of elemental weapons (and characters), instead of the usual guns. If you're interested, I'd like to invite you to take part in our Game Development World Championship!

Hey, thanks for the kind words.
In regards to your invitation, I'd not given participating in the GDWC any thought at all, although I'd like to hear more to see if it's something that I'd be interested in!

It's a free annual contest for games made by independent developers, with the aim of finding out the best indie games from each year. Also, to give the games more exposure, some of them from each week are selected for a public vote. However, this won't affect the final decision made by a jury in October. You can enter games in two categories, which are "pro" and "hobby". Here's where it all happens: