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This is as far as I reach. Died just after that screenshot.

The game, even simple, is fun.

There are some issues I found, apart from the once you already mention:
- Controller doesn't have the Deadzone configured correctly. Don't know if you used Input System or Legacy, but it's very easy to set it up.
- The money (which doesn't seems to have any effect on the gameplay as far as I reach) counter went back to 0 after 999.
- Also the pickup object should have a trigger collider, to avoid player to step over them. I realize you didn't set them as triggers for simplifying the physics of them. You could solve it simple by checking if there's floor under them, and if not, enable gravity, and when reaching floor, disable it. Just a humble suggestion.

Love the visual effects you used. Really add to the atmosphere of the game.

Great job! Congratulations!