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I really liked it! A lot of projectiles which make the game slow down a bit, but it adds to the chaos :). I liked that there are different kinds of wands that change up how you approach each room, but the green one seems a bit too strong. A very tough boss at the end is a really nice change of pace, as the same enemies over and over gets stale. 

What I also noticed is the difference in the character sprites and the area. The walls are very detailed with a high resolution, but the characters are pixel art. That difference makes the visuals have less cohesion. That being said, it all looks very nice and cute on it's own. Also, the music is a bop. Big props to your mom for that one!

Overall, very nice game! Well done!


All you said was noted, but I'd like to reply to the graphics issue!

I actually didn't notice that before you pointed it out. I had actually made sure that all the sprites are created in 16x16, even though the game scales them up to 48x48 to make the edges appear more clearer...

Now, I guess the issue is not the pixel size, but the fact that I've createt the wall and floorpieces, to look kinda realistic and I used gradients and more dynamic shading than on the player sprites.

This is definitely something I will have to improve in future games as I really didn't notice that! Thanks for pointing it out.