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This game seems to be missing a lot of polish and I was often confused on where I was supposed to go. I often got a random game over which didn't make sense to me so in the future if you could give obvious feedback to the player when they are doing something wrong I think it would really help with your games. I actually ended up really liking the voice acting. It has a level of cheesiness in the quality which made it funny to me so I really appreciate that part of the game lol

Thanks for the feedback. I am aware that the game is a bit confusing. The plan was to make voices that would speak to you when you were on the wrong track. But due to compilation issues, I had to throw it all out. Of course I could have fixed it if I had noticed it earlier or if I had had a little more time. But when I noticed this problem it was already 4am and I was asleep so I didn't even try to fix it but I just threw out everything that didn't work