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A bit of a weird game, not sure where the Chaos theme fits in here. The controls were a bit clunky and the game was a bit hard to understand, most of the time I died because of a bug or being unable to read the UI :l

For improvements you should definetly work more on the UI. But anyways, great job for finishing a game in just a week!

You can see me playing your game here: 

There can be up to 7 zombies ordering at a time once the game sets in motion. I watched the video and noticed quite a few issues, the WebGL version seems to be a hit or miss on some devices, I provided downloads for all platforms which seemed to fix those. It’s best played in fullscreen and there’s a tutorial I suggest playing.

Thank you for trying the game out anyway!

Hehe most of my playthrough were of the tutorial

I prefer if the playtested platform is the only one uploaded, because I always assume that HTML5 games were designed for that platform, but I've noticed a lot of the time that people get disappointed when they see you play the HTML5 version

I suggest the HTML5 version since it should run on anything, during testing we noticed issues popping up that were machine specific which is why we also included the builds.