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(1 edit) (+1)

I enjoyed playing that a lot! It was fun, chaotic, and had that a good arcade feel. Keep up the good work!

A few bits of constructive criticism though. 

First of all, I'd really recommend checking this short presentation out, it is bursting with valuable dev tips for this sort of game.

Second, your movement seems to be faster on a diagonal than a straight line, which I'm guessing is from adding horizontal and vertical input together. To solve this call Vector2.ClampMagnitude() on your input.

The music was also maybe a touch loud, and I'd appreciate being able to mute it independent of the sound effects, though that's the sort of thing I don't really care about in game jams, only finished games.  

Finally, you seem to have mixed a few different resolutions of pixel art. I'd recommend sticking to a consistent pixel size whenever possible, as it makes things feel more cohesive. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks  a lot for very constructive critism. I'll keep improving my game :D.

And that presentation is great knowledge! Thanks a lot.


If that presentation was useful, then I'd also recommend this talk by Vlambeer. I'd personally consider those two talks "essential reading" for indie devs.