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Hello darktoz! Best Femdom game ever I played!Can you tell me ,the game ends after the second hike to the measure of the city ?At this stage? Thx for answers.

thank you 

not sure what you mean...the story content ends after day 83, but you can unlock a lot of content in the different areas. you unlock new areas over time, by pledging money or when you talk to people

One more time please. I wanna be your patreon,Will there be anything new there that is not on your site ?New content for example ?Im really sorry for wasting your attention and thank you a lot. 

patreon supporters get the newest version up to 4 weeks earlier than the public and get weekly updates on the progress, but you will not get additional content compared to a non supporter. patreon is a way of supporting so that i can keep doing what i do, not a way to "buy" the game.