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Thanks for the comment rebyc! Really glad our handling of those topics is being well received.

We're planning on giving Luke's scene a bit of a rewrite, actually, I've seen people streaming the game on SFW panic really hard with that scene too many times to ignore.

And yeah, I share your sentiment: I miss The Last Ones, it was a pretty good theme for Argos. Though I'll say, early in the pandemic I was watching Tiger King and I kind of lost my shit when the song started playing as the intro to the documentary Joe Exotic was putting together. God bless licensed tracks, I don't think I'll see songs like Foolish Child playing on something like that anytime soon.

Oh my god I didn't even know that, that's hilarious! The music is all good, in any case!

And that's good to know about Luke! I can only guess how much extra work SFW mode entailed and it's really cool that it's there.

Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next :)