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I will start out by saying that you made an amazing game, the puzzles have stumped me many times and you certainly need to think about what is stopping you from solving a level. The reason I gave it only three stars is because the controls are, to say the least odd. E should be the key to interact with objects because multiple times I've pressed space to jump and I end up dropping or picking up an item. Also, having W be the jump button makes the wall-jump mechanic nearly impossible to grasp, when almost all games with a wall-jump mechanic use space to jump. If you change these problems that I have that would be fabulous and your game would be an astonishing game. I hope that I didn't come off as whining or annoying

Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I'm blown away by the members of this community taking time to provide thoughtful feedback on my little game. 

It's very likely I'll go back and change the controls, it's would be a clear and straightforward improvement. I just lean back in my chair with one arm outstretched on the arrow keys to play, and never gave the controls, or how left hand/ WASD feels, another thought! lol. so it goes: for the thousandth time I've been shown the importance of playtesting more.

Again, thanks for playing and taking the time to provide feedback! I really appreciate it.