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Oh, it's always sad when these things happen. I guess I was fortunate enough because while I discovered the game a while ago, I planned on playing when chapter 8 released (though I was too busy lately to notice the news before). If I had played, I would have been heartbroken, even if your position is understandable. I hope it doesn't sound mean to say it like that, but I prefer not to play now as to not get attached to a project that won't get finished, but I'll still be looking forward to future projects though, since this one caught my eye!

Again, I'm sorry these things happened to you, but well, things happen when people work together on a project - sometimes it doesn't work out. Still, I hope you won't let that demoralize you!


Hello! Thank you for your words, and I totally understand your position. I guess I would do the same, ahahahha :D And yes! I am already working on the next project, I have even more power than before, so I try to accept the problem with TND as a life lesson :)