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Thank you for featuring my playthrough! >.< It's made my day!!

You're really putting your all into making a game, no matter how small or short it is. :D It's nice to know how things go in the background. :D

Hope you'll never be tired of making games! Also, the art is amazing! I sometimes wish I have both the talents and skills. XDD


You're welcome! >\\\<
And thank you for your kind words! I'm doing my best, I hope that Emerald Wasp comes out a good game too! 
(My contribute to the art in KOI is minimal since I edited the sprite bases of the portraits and the overworld charas, but in the credits you can find all the pages of the artists! >\\\<)


You and your team are working hard so I'm sure Emerald Wasp will be great too! :D
