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(1 edit)

I am re-posting this kneejerk review from the Game Design Symposium Server, that you may use it to your public benefit:

"Okay, Wrath. I played this game and finished it in thirteen minutes. I acquired the "Deathless" and "Cookie Addict" achievements. My immediate impression was: "Wow; this is trippy." I see that you've developed the Blob Monster narrative considerably, sacrificing elements of exploration in favour of a cute story and diverse aesthetics. It made me want to work on a Game like this, perhaps even with you as an ally. I can certainly see this Style's potential for expansion. I'm not sure who composed the Glitchy O.S.T.; I'm guessing that was "HawkZombie". [We know now that it was Wood Himself.] At any rate, it felt fitting and original but at times a bit too clunky and jarring for the Adventurous Mood. I'd love to offer more specific feedback later. I also wouldn't mind collaborating to create some sort of hybrid of overt electronics and synthesized "live" instruments. Let me know if you are looking to expand your Team in any of those aforementioned Departments; I'd be delighted to consult, contribute, or collaborate. Rinzai."

I stand by what I said. This is an excellent experiment in R.P.G. Maker and a testament to what the software is capable of, and of all of Wood's Games it is the one that seems to have attained the finest Balance and Consistency in Style. Instant Nostalgia Awaits.

Rinzai Gigen,

Subliminal Mind Games.
