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Hello, thank you very much for this awesome resource pack!

I have a question that might be a bit dumb. I read in the comments that these tiles are supposed to be 32x32, but when I use them as such, I can't find any  'edgeless' wall tiles (like, just the color of the wall without a border, or just with one side bordered). I can only find corners.

I need to set my editor to 16x16 so that the tiles get split further and then I have these middle tiles. I'm probably doing something wrong, but can anyone help me here?

Thanks again to the creator and to anyone that might help! :)


Heya! You are on the right track with the 16x16 tile size if you want to split the wall pieces into their appropriate segments. This old pack was designed for RPGMaker, which automatically does that in the map editor, but if you are using these outside of RPGMaker, you'll have to segment the walls using a 16x16 grid.

Thanks so much for the reply!

You're right, I'm trying to use the resource pack in Godot and later saw that there are some necessary conversion steps from an RPGMaker resource pack to something usable in Godot (or segment it in 16x16). Thank you once more and have a lovely day!