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Amazing game. I love to try and get combo as high as I can, which means dragging out the bossfight as close to indefinetly as I can, keep the boss cc'd or busy, build combo on my mob justice friends and the the boss's mob justice friends. It's a fun challenge and there are lots of creative shannigans to choice from.

Creative shenanigans would be a great name for something - thank you for playing :) 

My pleasure, having a lot fun with the co-op mode lately. The game keeps surprising and engaging. My personal favorite thing to do is to try and get as high a combo as possible and screenshot it to my nephew XD. It's very tricky to build for, you have to build combo quickly yet not do much damage, at least not to the boss. It's all about dragging out the boss fight while building combo on the other enemies, but ofc the best way to go is to go into the bossfight with very high combo already. The restrictions, intended or not, that I found to achieving upwards of a thousand combo have been fun to toy with. Writing this i realize I haven't played this way since the latest update so time to give the latest build a spin.