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Good job with the new update! I haven't read it yet, but I want to leave a few comments right off the gate. For starters, I've heard some speculation somewhere about Storm's lineage, including the possibility he reproduced somehow. I want to clarify this is wrong: if Asterion had sex with someone with a vagina, he'd end up getting pegged.

As for P, you might notice he shares initials with the word "peg." Now, it's easy to take this as P being more related to this whole Storm business than it appears at first glance, but I think it's meant to be symbolic. Going back to the Asterion pegging situation, perhaps what this reveals is a subversion of traditional gender values, as the greek statue-esque demigod, epitome of masculinity, even in this case assumes the more "traditionally feminine" role.

To tie this to P, perhaps the symbolic meaning of his name then relates to this act of subversion, in which he presents as a domineering, masculine figure, but has the capability to assume a more nurturing role around Storm.

So why is this important? The story has something to say about those who are lost, including those unable to fit in with society. The mystery of Storm's lineage is a red herring meant to distract from the tragedy of someone like P who has no place in modern society, in part because of societal values present as far back as the time of Asterion's pegging. In the end, P is the one who needs the hotel the most, it is made for him.

Anyway, I'm very excited to see how this update turned out.