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Hi Luriel! I like your work a lot! Nice Job! I want to ask you about the releases! Do you have a schedule for the chapters? When S2 Ch4 will be out for the public?

Hi Gaymer, I'm very happy that you enjoy the game 😊, Chapter 4 will be free when I publish Chapter 5, which if all goes well, I will probably publish it at the end of this month or early September. Hugs

Thanks! Can I ask you a favor? Can you tell what tools you used to make the game?

Renpy for Code and DAZ  3D for images

One last thing in the game start the section "Insert the code". What is that? Does it work for free or it is only for patrons? 

No, you can buy here the Code, it's called Code for Mini-Games, it's a TXT that when you load it into the game, it unlocks additional content

What's the meaning of this?