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Yea I've been learning a ton from the course. Still haven't checked out the audio section but I appreciate the heads up.
The original goal was to add my own music, and sounds effects. Just wasn't able to complete it in time.
But I agree with you. When I'm able to update the game again, I'll add my own sounds or give an attribution at the least.


Oh, I know, right!?! 48 hours wasn't enough time to do a lot of things LOL Your game is great though (not even just because it was completed in 48 hours!) I agree, I have been learning a lot from the course too, but have a lot left to go. 

(*I just meant on the game's itch description, you could credit the music's artist. As a CYA type of thing 😎)

PS my kids loved your game too 😁


Wow that's so cool! I'm glad you both liked it. Don't know why I didn't think of just adding it to the page description. I'll go away and do that now. Thanks.