I thought the visuals and the sound effects were awesome! Every time I heard the “do do” jaws-y voiced effect I couldn’t help but smile or chuckle!
That said, I really didn’t like the controls. The movement control was fine, but the firing control was very unintuitive. I was “moving” left or right on the right thumb stick to shoot up and down. There didn’t appear to be a way for me to shoot left or right. I continuously got confused with the right thumb stick. Also, when in a tense moment, I have a tendency to press down on the left thumbstick, which continued to pause the game on me at a very bad moment.
I also was having the worst time with the green shooty blobs. They don’t seem to have any limit to the directions they can shoot. Given how many of they there are in just the first level, it made the first level extremely frustrating to me. In my opinion, these blobs should only be able to shoot strait in the direction they’re pointed, or, only have a limited firing arc. That scientist in the first level sitting between two of those blobs… grrrr! (yes, I know I could destroy the blobs, but, again, too many blobs on top of the hard time I was having with the firing controls.
Over all, like I said, the game looks and sounds wonderful! I really think more time needed to be spent on figuring out a control scheme. Personally, I also strongly think there should have been keyboard controls. There wasn’t anything about this game that couldn’t have been done with a keyboard.