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Did you get the good endings on each route?

If so, it should unlock. Try the Extras menu also. Let me know


Yes, I followed Ceaseless Duality's guide on Steam to unlock all of the good endings and CGs. I also tried restarting the game a few times - not sure what the issue could be.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm having exactly the same issue, and I just finished the PS4 version an hour ago.  I have good endings for all four routes - all show checkmarks - and I just can't get New Game Plus to show up.  Nothing has changed on the Extras menu, and "New Game" just starts a regular new game.

The only thing I'm missing are a few CGs, but from everything I've read you don't need to unlock them all for NG+.

Edit:  I can confirm that doing Julian's route last was the issue, and that replaying another route unlocked NG+.  Thanks for reaching out on Reddit for the help!

Deleted 2 years ago