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take all that time you need these new changes in your life arn't going to be stopping any time soon, just make sure you can keep up with what you need to and leave to the side what can. And a child would definately take priority over making a game, (even if tripple-A develipers don't think so... but that's a can of worms for another day.)

just take care of yourself and dont get too tired, or drink too much coffie, just take the time you need and dedicate yourself to what's most important to YOU.

(I'm not good with this type of stuff sorry)


Thanks!  Since this is my hobby project, it is what I do in my free time, though it will be taken up by my child like you said.

I need to take care of myself so I can care for my child and family like you said!  Taking it easy and drawing/programming is relaxing too if I have some time. : >