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I really like the style and the art for it. The menus are very cool, and I love the level select menu with the icons for completing the objectives. It sounds like a lot of that was the thing you worked on this jam so great work!

Like a previous comment, I was a bit lost on Level 2. It took me a long time to realize I needed to fill up the 3x3 grid because the tooltips prevented me from clicking on the actions on the right. I was able to figure out that the level gives you three actions per turn and three turns in the level, so it seems you have determine ahead of time what sequence you need for each action, but when the game started the action order was not what I expected.

I know you probably have tutorials and story to fill in the details later, but it would be helpful if you could put short bit of text on the level start screen of any level with new mechanics as a temporary replacement until you finish the rest.

It would also be nice to be able to exit the level before the end. It made it harder for me to experiment a bit while trying to learn the mechanics.

There is clearly a lot already in this version of the game and I would love to see how you develop it. Keep up the good work!