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I'm stuck on what I think is the first part of the Eldritch lead. It tells me to talk to Chastity, but no matter how many time I talk to to her I make no progress. Is there a specific time I'm supposed to talk to her or do I need something I just haven't found yet? Great game so far. Loving it despite me getting myself stuck.


Hmm, I looked at the code and it's all working as intended and should be simple... you get the lead from Gramps, go to the Church in the morning or evening and select "Talk to Chastity" - the event will then automatically start. The only reason I can see that the event would mess up is if some of the variables were edited...

If that sequence isn't working, and you're 100% sure that none of your game files have been edited, send me your save file and I'll take a look to see where things went wrong :)

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Thank you for the help. I'll send it to you through Discord if that is alright.

Took a bit to find the save. Is it ok to send it to you through Discord?

(1 edit) (+1)

Absolutely - whatever is easiest for you :)