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(2 edits)

Just a heads up, some CG (date event CGs for example) are missing their 16:10 counterparts and if you are playing the game with this aspect ratio, no CG will be shown and you will be presented with a black screen.
Found this out when going through the date_ambition_30_karaoke event while in a 16:10 aspect ratio (and then digging through the mods files), and I'm sure it's true with other events CGs that don't have their 16:10 counterparts.
**(Correction Spicy Flavor is missing some 16:10 CG, while the Mild is fine)

Didn't play previous builds (other than the steam demo) so I don't know if they were also missing, but chances are (since it was cut from 1.0) they were probably were.

No problems with 16:9; it's the default aspect ratio anyways.

Thanks for releasing the patch btw.

Hi there, thanks for the heads-up. I'm afraid I won't be able to at the 16:10 versions of the spicy CGs for now since they were made available as loose files as far as I'm aware, but I'll see what I can do about it;

Hey don't worry too much about it, just making it aware to others so they know of whats going on so they aren't questioning if the patch is working or not like I was.