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hiya! your game's really nice and i LOVE the art, characters and story so far. i also understand it's still in alpha, so there are bound to be a few bugs here and there. i also encountered one too. after clicking on the mailbox and typing in the code, the "back" option got stuck on the screen until it got to when I met Seamus for the first time. I click on the option and it goes away, although Seamus doesnt look too good, and the dialogue repeats the same text if i try to continue. Luckily i'm able to make everything normal again by loading my last save lol 


Thanks for telling me!

This really looks a bit nightmare fuel-ish haha

I might have already fixed this bug in the update I‘m working on right now, but I‘ll definitely look into it again. Poor Seamus will get his head and arm back for v1.1