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(1 edit)

Well, I'd like for Sora and Sumi to have more poses as those are the ones I'm planning on using. Thanks!

Also, your rules say it’s ok to modify the images. It would be nice if you could upload the individual sprite layers to make that easier. I created a “taunts expression today and it took a while because I had to match the eyebrow color and erase the old ones completely.

Are you using their newstyle versions?
I'll see what I can do in the future about uploading some PSDs in the future!

I'm using a mix of newstyle and yume style so that I can have them in multiple outfits. I'm predominately using their newstyle versions though so new poses for that would help the most.

Again, thanks for being so accommodating! The game I'm making won't be big but I'll still make sure to thank you duly.