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it did come to my attention that if you were to block yourself in on Bubbas game you could just farm coins... well sort of till a cop spawns on you not sure if you care but thought it was worth mentioning and in the kfp mini game sometimes the game seems to mix up which burger is the right one

I am aware of the exploits in Bubba's minigame, but since you can play it and make money only 25% of the time, and the exploit in itself is pretty boring, I won't fix it hehe

If you find a situation where the KFP game mixes things up, can you please give me more details on what happens? A video of it happening would be perfect, and using NVidia Experience for example you can easily record the last minute of your screen.

understandable, I wouldn't wanna bother with it either
I'll see if I can get a recording but I've only see it occur twice
but from what I remember it seems like the color of the brown burger will sometimes show up as white
or it could be something else