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This is what I checked off of my list today:

X - Do a forced loss battle at the event outside of the first time at the Inn and take the numbers out of the dialogue question selections.

X - The Health Clinic doesn't actually have it's function yet.

X - Put cooldowns when the player leaves an area not when they arrive so that the status indicator changes at the proper time.

X - Remove Hoverboard from the start for proper testing.

X - try to come up with more original healing tech than liquid pods and glass bed pods.

X -Sometimes when choosing from sub options (such as travel options) going to ether the player menu or the hoverboard menu and then back to the main world screen can cause player choice buttons to overlap somehow.

As I get closer to the end I can feel the pressure rising, the depth of this water deepening. This is a marathon so treat it like one. I also had to fix some text errors and display errors when transitioning to and from battle scenes. I'm working on making effects for hovering over buttons, making them highlighted and glow and stuff. I like to remind myself that I have no real programming experience, my only real skills are writing and designing so for doing all of this by myself I am doing a wonderful job. Helps to have a no script engine to work with.