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Hii, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful to you ^^

-The idea of the game is pretty original and fun.

-The gameplay mechanics are quite nice and fit totally the theme of the game, I loved how the puzzles work and some of the ideas you've thrown into the game.

-Visually the game is amazing, I love the and drawn style on it ^^

-I would add a "clue/hint" button to appear if you haven't found a heart in 3 minutes or so.

Hopefully this is useful to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)



Thank you for playing and making the video. The feedback is also helpful for our development. 
We'll consider "clue/hint" button when we'll develop the next one.

Good to hear ^^, you are welcome :D