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Alrighty! Well from my gameplay experiences just there the game is definitely running a hell of a lot better. The control scheme is working well and everything feels smooth but I would like to offer some suggestions to possibly expand this to be a bit more entertaining and functional!

The movements feel a bit off physics wise. When you tap forward or backwards or jump there's a certain amount of delay after your finger leaves the key before your character stops moving backwards or forwards. This makes things feel a bit slower and I think improving on this could cause for a somewhat faster experience!

Another thing is a more enhanced enemy as their current attack rate makes them pretty useless and easy to beat taking away from the challenge they should offer.

Another thing but I feel like it would be a much harder thing to implement. Vaulting. So if you short jump you can grab onto the ledge and tap spacebar to jump back up. You would have a strength meter so you can't abuse it as the meter would slowly run out.

Also implementing power ups such as grapples, bullet time, speed dash, double jump and such could add for a more exciting experience!

Those are just some ideas but I could probably think of more if you need some ideas but if this isn't intended to be that much of a long term project I assume big changes wouldn't really be necessary. Though I do think this could be something enjoyable with some texture design, level design and such :) Kinda like a mix between super hot and mirrors edge

Thank you! Tho, im still a beginner so vaulting would be hard for me ig, i will work on power ups and try to improve the movement!