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Ah yeah it's right to left and left to right :P And then above your head for the shield.

I don't think I'm able to bind down-right separately, it seems it's just activating both right and down. I might just have to remove the 180 turn for the Vive.

@ #2 That's a pitfall of the Vive wands, the buttons are on the same area used for movement... hmm... I'll have to add a sensitivity adjustment in the future.

I've encountered the slow motion bug once myself, haven't been able to pinpoint what causes it, and it seems impossible to reproduce. Although probably not a huge concern since I'm going to be removing it altogether anyway, since it won't be compatible with multiplayer for obvious reasons. And multiplayer is going to be a huge focus. So I'm thinking of replacing it with temporary invisibility.

I saw you joined the discord server so we can talk more there.