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Hey lynchpoet, 

This is an absolutely amazing piece of art.  I love the super villain and the scroll mechanic, though sometimes the "jump" to the next poem would be a bit jarring. So far as the scrolling pace in the "Technology Zooms Ahead" section, I like the taunt that is being made (the reader/player must work "harder" by scrolling more, though at some point I began to wonder if it was just my laptop not being able to handle it.

I really love how you play with proximity, dimensionality, and spatiality in this piece, and think some sonic texture (voices getting nearer or farer (louder or softer) based on scroll, echoes, etc) would be a lovely addition. That said, this piece is strong in and of itself! The form feels very intentional and appropriate for the content (detached observation), and the scrutiny of truly horrific acts through a glass screen. 

I've attached a playthrough I made so you could get some live feedback :) Please let me know if we can help in any other way!