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I suppose i could be somewhat confrontational (gently so in this case) but if you didn't think about the consequences about Zack's choice then, why would you expect Braden to? Braden even specifically says it started out small. How many things in our lives start out as a small lie or stretch of the truth, only to continue to accumulate and become a leviathan of lies. At some point, we have to shut those down and the bigger the lie becomes, the harder it gets to shut down--or to even find a smooth way to shut it down. 

There's also a ton of truth in how frustrated we can become with others when they essentially wrong us in the same way we do them. It could also be projection from Braden. To me, there's about a million reasons why Braden could react the way he did.  It's a dilemma and because of that, it was avoided and it festered as most things that are avoided do and I wanted to show that things can fester with good people that originally had honest intentions. To me, that exchange is way more complex than just a comparison of who did what worse

(1 edit)

I attmid i feel sorry for Braden, He figured out that Zack is attracted in him and just wanna know how far this goes, so he try's to lure zack out of his Snailhousing. But soon Braden develope feelings for Zack he dosn't knew he is able to, and get trapped in his own snowball. i just can imagine what a torture it is. and i don't wanna spoiler so at the end of carpter 9 i cried like a little kid this story got me really bad because anyhow i can understand both. and i'm looking forward for the next chapters because would like to see how this guys become even closer (wink) they are made for each other. Anyway both ends are supperior (hope i wrote this word right....guess not but you know what i mean) becuse both endings will send your emotions on a rollercoaster.

Well i dont agree with your view, i have my own views on the situation, still amazing work. Also, I loved your quotes at the end of each chapter, were they from some book? because if they werent, u ve got some talent, those were amazing.


nah, it's me. the quotes are from the game itself. I basically preview each chapter with a random out of context quote that happens somewhere in the reading so then you get to sorta wait until it pops up to see what it really meant