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A member registered Aug 03, 2021

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(1 edit)

I attmid i feel sorry for Braden, He figured out that Zack is attracted in him and just wanna know how far this goes, so he try's to lure zack out of his Snailhousing. But soon Braden develope feelings for Zack he dosn't knew he is able to, and get trapped in his own snowball. i just can imagine what a torture it is. and i don't wanna spoiler so at the end of carpter 9 i cried like a little kid this story got me really bad because anyhow i can understand both. and i'm looking forward for the next chapters because would like to see how this guys become even closer (wink) they are made for each other. Anyway both ends are supperior (hope i wrote this word right....guess not but you know what i mean) becuse both endings will send your emotions on a rollercoaster.

first things first......This game is awsome played it throug in one 13 fucking hours you guys are crazy in an amazing way.

I totaly can understand Zack, that he  is scared about telling people the truth and talking about his feelings. but he has good friends who are helping him over this gab and a very cute loverboy with a little bit to haired Ass, but this is a taste thing i guess.

Coming out is not easy and it will never be easy, because first of all you have to be aware about yourselfe. In my Case i was thinking im just attracted in butts, so in my Millitary time i was allways putting the straight switch on, and was not looking at the firm butts so there was no chance popping a boner ( not always worked because we had one cute guy in our unit and it was rerally hard to not get boned when he was showering)...the point is i was hiding it.

I needed to die first to figure out that live is to short to mess around with and that it can be over in a blink...officially i was dead for two minutes that changed me completely. At first i reallised i am not the brave soldier i pretent to be and second i am Gay.

of course i was not runnig around and telling it every body. when i got out of the hospital i got Promoted and was now the Sergeant of my unit.

So it happend that i had to stay over the Weekend and had to prepare stuff for the next week. so in the evenig i walked into the empty shower, i was starting my bussines as i heard someone stepping in, i looked over my shoulder and see the cutie i always popped a Boner so i got hard in an instand..but at this moment aware about my selfe i was giving a shit what he might think about me i was tired of lying to myselfe so i continued my buissnes rock hard.

I was rinsing of as i could feel someone is standing behind me,i looked back over my shoulder and there he was wet and naked and rock hard as i am. He grabed me and pulled me close to him, he started to kiss my neck caring my breast and playing with my dick, and i enjoyed it i could feel his boner in my Crack and i was ready to go much further with him. becuse in this moment i was truly for the fist time in my god damn live feeling who i am.

After that there was no point in hiding anymore i was really giving a shit what people might say and i was coming out.

first to my sister and she just sayed " well bro.....this is nothing new. I knew it already" and she was true as a boy i was allready poping boners when i have seen a cute boy.

My mom was more difficult as i told her that im Gay she sayed to me i wish i had never born you, that hurts a lot so i blocked her number and cut the wires.

And i think the point of my story is here. Be like you are, live is to short to mess around, it can be over in a blink. I learned it the hard way, and if people can't accept you like you are, cut the wires they are not worth it. My sister is still in my back with all her support and for that i lover her. My mom is still not talking with me since seven years now it is some kind of sad yes but to be honest i give a shit. Because its my live and i live it like i want to.

thats why i can undersand zack in this game i was like him, hiding myselfe and im glad its over.

but how about a translation into German, if you guys wish to i can try it but it is a hard nut to chew on and it will need time because i allready looked into it and its a freaking lot of text to translate. let me know if you are down for that.