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No tutorial on how you are supposed to do things like close gates, no ability to configure controls, weapons recoil uncontrollably, grenades are farts, zombies are dumb, lots of invisible walls... Visually it is interesting and neat, but I playing after a few minutes is not promising.


Working on a tutorial area before you get on the plane, close gates? Like the doors on the houses?  

Will look into adding a control setup as well, can look into the weapon recoil but realistically weapons do recoil and a burst tactic on how you fire may be more suitable. 

Lmao, the grenades need work, not an 100% hit and they sometimes fall thru the floor

Will open up the rest of the map to remove the invisible walls and add more content. 

Zombies are exceptionaly dumb, and I'm working on the code to either make them spread out more or do in different routes, maybe have less of a sight radius and patrol untill you're close, idk. 

Hope to win you back as it is a prototype and very early access! Thank you so much for your message and pointers, I really do appreciate them.


Ahh the gate you mean the portal letting the zombies in, would be a nice addition, currently you need to finish wave 10 to stop the zombies, ill add a disabling of the portal after that and a notice to make it back to the extraction zone where you'll head to the next level (once made)