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Hey man just to be clear I know basically nothing about unity, basically got pro builder and literally started plonking shapes down haha...much more at home in Ableton

Sounds good tho, I'm down. There anyone else on-board?

I've got a couple people interested and I'm looking at a couple more.  Do you have a Discord SN I could hit you up at? I have an idea for the project I think you'll be jazzed about.


Awesome,  my discord is #2233  server: CCCserver

Okay so maybe I'm just too new at this, lol, but it wants me to give it your tag as well as you number. Mine is LazzelDazzelEm#4973 if you just want to add me instead.

haha man I've never used discord in my life I've no idea...

try that link, it's saying it can't find your #