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The combination of the genres worked very well for me, especially with the four enemy types; you managed to implement some more than solid level design thanks to that. :) The pixel art was fantastic as well! I was wondering if you took some inspiration by an old Ludum Dare entry by deepnight, called "Proletarian Ninja X"? It was a bit more action based, but your two games have the same basic premise. :) Anyway, it was a great execution of a neat idea, so I'm glad to say that I included your game in one of our compilation articles about the Ludum Dare 41, as well as it's featured in the related gameplay video. <3 Keep up the good work and good luck with the ratings! :)

Best wishes,


Hey Sebastian, thanks for your review, we're glad that you liked the game ! I didn't known Proletarian Ninja X but our game designer may know it :). Thanks again ! 


Hi, thanks for the feedback!

I didn't know this game either, will check that out for sure!

I still think the gameplay is pretty innovative and super fun, so: Good job, guys. <3