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thank you for the tip 

I made and test the game on window so i don t know If it work on Mac and Linux 

i think unity will support it 

i will check the game and sorry for the bad English

(1 edit) (+1)

To build your game you need to add modules to your unity editor . To do so goto:
Unity Hub> Installs > On your editor click on more options (The three dots) the click on add module then you can download the stuff you need to create games on other platforms like Linux,Mac,Android,IOS, Video Game Console , WebGl .


before clicking on build you should remember to switch to your target platform . 

I personally use open-source game engines/frameworks like panda3d , pygame etc

I have used unity but i did not get the feel of full control , some people like to have full control over their games while others like to just create the game on time . I am one of those who like full control over the game😁

If you want to know that your game will work on other platforms like MacOs,Linux you can use VirtualBox 

you can  download it for free.

Don't worry your english isn't that bad atleast i can understand what you are trying to say😉

thank again for the help 


Welcome 😊