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The level design was absolutely gorgeous, but the 2D art assets in the 3D space was a bit jarring. The credits sequence also hints at potential horror elements to come but as-is it feels like it could be a 3D slice-of-life SciFi game. I assume that the pacing will be a bit slower to make the horror elements more impactful?

As with some of the other commenters I had some serious FPS issues, particularly with the motion blur effect. That being said, it was playable on an RTX 3060 if just barely.

I’m excited to see where this goes. Horror games aren’t really my jam (pun intended) but what I experience in this demo was good enough that I’d be willing to play this though once it’s finished.


If motion blur is turned on, that is a mistake on our part, I will look at turning that off when we release the fix coming soon for the gameplay stutter! There is a rotation delay on the mouse though, which definitely has been causing problems, and I have since reduced that. Hopefully it will combine to make the game much more enjoyable!

We are also looking at adding some cartoony post-processing, which should help bring the 2D and 3D art together. We are also going to be looking at adding in the days we have ready, as we do have multiple days of story finished,  but we just really didn't have time to bring it all together in UE5.

Thanks for giving it a play, and hopefully we will be able to release more of the content soon! We definitely have been a little more relaxed now that the jam is over.