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why didnt you tell me you were magical.

Grandma..sorry??? Uhm..ask sister O-O

Absolutely not.

i want it from you, and from you now.

I- Granmda did you take your medicine today? I don't have powers Granny...that's silly!

You sister said the opposite.

Tell now. or your grounded.

But. . . Granny! Why do you never hang out with sister . . . But always believe what she says??? She was obviously lying. . . I don't have magic powers. . . Really! Plus if you ground me all of your grandchildren are going to starve

I can feed them.

how did you give birth without doing the naughties.

I- grandma you don't remember him? Charles was the best. . .I'm surprised that you didn't hear us. . . We had the most kinky sex. . . He cheated on me. . So I cut his dick off and tortured him to death. . .and then I used to use it as a dildo until one of my children made me stop O-O

The fuck.

now you understand right granny?