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You sister said the opposite.

Tell now. or your grounded.

But. . . Granny! Why do you never hang out with sister . . . But always believe what she says??? She was obviously lying. . . I don't have magic powers. . . Really! Plus if you ground me all of your grandchildren are going to starve

I can feed them.

how did you give birth without doing the naughties.

I- grandma you don't remember him? Charles was the best. . .I'm surprised that you didn't hear us. . . We had the most kinky sex. . . He cheated on me. . So I cut his dick off and tortured him to death. . .and then I used to use it as a dildo until one of my children made me stop O-O

The fuck.

now you understand right granny?

(2 edits)

i'm calling your father.

and you're grounded.

As much as torture is okay we dont allow death. The bodies make the house stinky.

and yes you're grounded.