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Pretty fantastic, you took one interesting mechanic and allowed players to learn it well to do very cool tricks. The game itself is a bit hard just because of how free the movement is but the instant retry makes that not frustrating. I didn't realize that the star system was related to killing aliens at first, I assumed it may have been about doing it in fewer shots but I figured that out fast so its not a big deal. I would like a retry button at the level end so I can redo it to immediately get all the stars. The music is very fitting and the art is spot on. I love that the aliens have multiple death noises.

Thanks a lot for playing! Do you mind if I ask how far you made it through the game? As for the number of aliens killed equaling stars  achieved for a level I've struggled to decide if I should directly call it out or not as how that works! I'll consider adding an explanation in the game! The instant retry was a huge bonus in frustration levels for players and was definitely a core design philosophy. I also think the game tends to feel more natural and less frustrating on a mobile device which is our targeted platform. I will definitely add a try button on the level complete screen! Thanks for giving such a detailed review!