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is the proper place to ask question like this one.You should repost it there so anyone else can read.

Back to your question, the Fill tool match perfectly with your need. Just select the Fill Tool, select the transparent color (color 0) and click the color you want to replace. That's it.

Thanks for the quick response! I will make sure to post it there as well.

And the Fill tool is what I use at the moment, but that's not quite what I meant, sorry if I wasn't clear on that... I'm talking about a tool that will change all of the selected color on the texture to the color you have picked. For example, if there are orange pixels scattered around, clicking on one of them would replace all of the orange pixels in the editor with your selected color. The fill tool somewhat works as this, but you still have to select each spot where they are not connected.  (This can be problematic when editing larger patterns and sprites)

Also, would this go under the Support or General discussion page? Again, thanks for responding so quickly, I'm having fun with this program!

It's clear now.  I will add it in todo list. It's up to you but i think Support will be more suitable. 

Ah, thanks! I will put it onto support then! Thanks for the quick responses, and I will put a version of this post up on there!

Nothing at all. If you want to create a profile for a game that quite long like Metroid, i believe the best workflow is:

- Inject genie codes into  the rom

- Walk through the game and create save state at every key points: Two or three save state each level for example.

- Start creating profile with the help of all save state above.

Good luck!