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Has anyone else had trouble running the game? for some reason the game starts just fine but all the text is unreadable. there's just blurry lines where it should be. i downloaded the right version for my computer so it's not that. i have the game jam version of One Night, Hot Springs and that works so idk what's up.

(3 edits)

hi, would you be able to share info about the computer you're using to play (os, &c.) & links to screenshots through i haven't had any reports of this from anyone else & i'd like to fix the issue if i can. if any error is displayed, please share that in your message too if you don't mind.

edit: this issue has been fixed but i'm just going to note potential fixes here in case anybody else has issues!

1) check that graphic card drivers are up to date & update if necessary
2) boot the game while holding shift (or press shift+g in-game) & select a different graphics renderer
3) try toggling fullscreen by pressing "f"