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Really cool entry! I loved that since you were approaching kings castle, the enviornment was all orange! The audio work was quite solid too, the little "CHET!" "MARY!" on switch was adorable! 

There was some rough edges however in the gameplay. Somethings that I think would improve it are, to first lower the jump height and gravity, movement felt way too fast and hard to control because of that. Wall jumping felt pretty unintuitive as well since the player doesn't slow down when sliding against a wall, so would have been nice if wall sliding was added. And my last tip would be to reduce the amount of "leaps of faith" in your platformer level design, quite a few times I had to jump down with no line of sight, would be best to replace these with either a slope/visible steps you can see, or just have less downward sections. So just somethings to consider.

Again tho the entry was quite good, having a ending card was quite cool to see! The character assets moved quite well and it was a fun game to play! 

Great work!

Hey, thanks, It was first time making a Platformer, I did try to implement a wall slide but it was a total fail. I really enjoyed making the wee platformer and will be learning how to improve them moving forward now. My wife done the little "Mary" and even with changing the pitch and speed the Scottish is so prominent haha