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(1 edit) (+1)

I'm really glad you liked it and, wow, thank you so much for the video! :)

The glitch you've experienced in the backyard is the unwanted result of a script that my characters (included the main one) use to unstuck in the rare event they end up overlapping a solid object. In a nutshell, you get pushed towards the closest empty space.
I guess the ghost squeezed you against the skull pile, or something like that? Not that it really matters, actually, since I'm aware of the glitch and I perfectly understand how frustrating it can be.
I should probably make the invisible boundaries of the graveyard (and town) thicker, in order to prevent such an unpleasant scenario.

About the savegame feature... My plan, as a noob developer, was: ok, let's make this game without any planning and fill it with everything I can think of and, then, I will implement some sort of savegame item at the end.
Problem is, I found out that a savegame feature is pretty easy but does require a lot of planning ahead, since you have to organize your code consequently. Which I didn't.
Implementing a savegame for Their Eyes at this stage, with my current skills, is a pain... So, I gave up.
But I will try again: you got me.
Can't promise to succeed, but I'll try my best! :D

Thank you for the time spent playing my game!

EDIT: Yup, the invisible barrier was insanely thin on the northern side of the graveyard! Thanks again for reporting me the issue, I should have fixed it.