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Hi! Couldn't run on Win7, 64 bit. Started with grey full screen and a console full of this sort of thing:

STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "SOIL_free_image_data"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "SOIL_load_image_from_memory"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "SOIL_load_OGL_cubemap_from_memory"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "SOIL_load_image"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "SOIL_save_image"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "SOIL_load_OGL_HDR_texture"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "SOIL_load_OGL_cubemap"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "stbi_loadf"
STYLE-WARNING: Undefined alien: "SDL_main"
- starting DAFT -
debugger invoked on a CL-OPENGL-BINDINGS:OPENGL-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {10061F00C3}>:
  OpenGL signalled (1282 . INVALID-OPERATION) from TEX-STORAGE-2D. Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL. restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
  0: [CONTINUE] Continue (CL-OPENGL-BINDINGS:CHECK-ERROR #<unavailable argument>)
   error finding frame source: Bogus form-number: the source file has probably
                               changed too much to cope with.
   source: NIL
I had a similar error with another game in this Jam, so they may be related. Thanks!